Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Something's Gotta Give.

Today's topic is throwing out the junk! I posted this in our challenge group (the first paragraph that is) and figure I should also share it with you guys too because you shouldn't be afraid of something with a label or sticker... 

(Disclaimer: This post turned out longer than I thought, I get a little emotional at the end, some tears were shed...)

I threw out my junk last week since we'll be moving in 2 weeks! There was A LOT of crud in there. Some of it I'm pretty sure should have just left a long time ago considering I either don't use it anymore, don't eat it, drink it, ya know like those MIOfit or crystal light packets. HELLO artificial sweeteners... I was happy to throw them away. It's just STUFF. It has no personal meaning, it didn't cry when I tossed it. I don't even know WHY I had some of that stuff in there. Chris and I finally threw out all of our old whey proteins (It' s only been 7 months since I had it last). Before we did, we looked at the ingredients one more time and I got a big grin when I heard my hubby say, "Yep, I definitely won't be needing this crap anymore" I'm not saying I'm perfect I do get boxed mac and cheese, cookies and such for Christopher but I also TRY to make sure I pick something that's a better choice.

If you're at the store and spending $.50 more on something that is beneficial, then why not do it? Anytime we eat out (which has become a bit rare, although we did have some Rudy's BBQ yesterday it was delish! Give me a break I'll be completely restricted for 21 days come next week!  ) But we spent $19.63 on a meal that yes fed all three of us and we didn't overeat! Imagine that! You know what else we could have spent that $19.63 on? Food in our home that would last us for more than just ONE meal. Sure you can get all fancy pants and make meals that are still healthy that have tons of ingredients but health should not be complicating. Make it simple and make it healthy. We could have bought a pack of chicken breasts for $7-10 (depending on the weight) that would include anywhere between 6 or 7 breasts right? If you are eating the way you SHOULD be then freeze some of the chicken for later or prep them for the week and cut eat breast in half. You don't need more than that. We could have bought milk ($3.50), eggs ($1.49), salad mix ($3.25), tomatoes (1.29/Lb) some cucumbers ($.33 each) and a bag of carrots if the chicken wasn't too much. ($1.38) I do know these prices off the top of my head, sometimes they change but not by much because I pay attention to what I'm eating and what I'm spending. I want to make sure I am budgeting a healthy diet. It's not about eating less food, it's about cutting that chicken breast in half, making the portions last longer and filling up on more produce and whole grains. I include my Shake's into every budget we spend at the grocery store because I should. I am replacing a meal with one of my shakes and it keeps me full and gives me the dense nutrition I can't find just in my salad mix. If you actually spend the time and look into Shakeology, you'll see that all of the ingredients they have condensed into one meal would cost over $700 at a grocery store to buy. Uhhh no thanks. I am completely satisfied with budgeting Shakeology into my diet. I think my body can agree with me. I'm not saying it's a miracle Shake and "Oh my God! It will CURE YOU!" I am just saying it helped me focus on nutrition more and treat my body like I should, I am kind of one with it and stuck in it so I want to love it. I don't have to suffer. I am not ashamed of what I was going through 7 months ago.... I would literally be in the middle of the grocery store and feel the panic. I would be running to the bathroom in tears afraid and I don't go through that anymore..... I am just so happy I can be where I'm at in life with my happiness inside and out. I am very passionate and thankful that I came across what Beachbody has done for me and can't believe I have met so many amazing people this last year. I didn't just become a coach for the discount, I became a coach so that I could step up and help someone learn it is possible. It can be done and it just takes that first step... Believe in yourself because I may not be able to message you every single day but I am thinking about you and I want to see you take the plunge and ACTUALLY say, "Okay, I'm doing this" It's easy to get every one on board if you have a family but at least you can TRY. TRY because you know it will be worth it. Your family is worth it. I would rather see you make a change now then learn later something's gotta give.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Fitness Journey

I am originally from good old Sioux City, Iowa while my husband is from Bluefield/Princeton, West Virginia. We met in Sumter, South Carolina and you better believe sparks were flying! A lot of people may not approve anymore of early marriage but Chris and I married in December 2010. Two worlds combined and in 2011 we were blessed with a our beautiful baby boy Christopher.. My brother, Cullen, and best friend, Michelle, were so amazing to have around got to spend a couple of years watching him grow but since my husband is in the military [Air Force] we received orders and now reside in Texas for the time being. It's tough being away from family but you have to keep your head high and know that life has a plan, and it definitely does!

Before I had Christopher, I lost 15 lbs working out at the gym and doing Brazil Butt Lifts but I was not able to keep up with my routine once I was pregnant, I ended up having back problems and my hips hurt so bad.... Hey a 9 lb baby is no cake walk ;). As with mostly every pregnancy, your body goes through a large amount of stress and I developed issues I didn't have before, stomach problems that embarrassed the heck outta me, it was agonizing pain. Once I had Christopher it took me awhile to find my motivation so I tried working out with Shaun T's Insanity 6 months after I had my son, what a freaking intense program. If you are wanting a "bootcamp"  & are ready to jump in and really kill a workout I recommend it! Anyways, I lost 10 lbs following his nutrition guide the first month and following the program but I dislocated my right knee and had to take a break. Luckily I continued eating well but slowly my bad habits came back over the summer and I started eating like I used to and the weight came back. 

I absolutely hated the fact that every time I would start seeing results and start feeling better about my life, my body, who I was becoming, it always seemed like an obstacle was ready to challenge it. In Spring 2013, I was more determined then ever to take control. Chris was getting ready to TDY to Florida for 4 months and I started back into TurboFire when what do you know? I'm in the middle of dancing with Christopher and collapsed. I had dislocated my left knee.... RIGHT BEFORE he left. I was so miserable throwing pity parties for myself because I was in school and couldn't hold Christopher when he wanted me too. The symptoms of IBS got worse and I was too embarrassed to leave my house. I asked my coach Jennifer if there was any program I could do while being injured like I was. She suggested a program called the Ultimate Reset. I decided to do it but once I got it in the mail I don't think I was mentally ready and that was no excuse.

At least by summer my knee was better. Too bad my self-confidence was not. Chris took me shopping for new clothes and I could sit there and blame the lighting all I want but I was on the verge of wearing a size 12 pair of shorts. I squeezed into the 10's and called it good because I was too ashamed to admit how bad I had let myself go. It's not about what other people think about you or any form of judgement from anybody, it's about how you feel about yourself. I wasn't happy. We found out we had to move 3.5 weeks earlier than we were supposed to and had 4 days to pack our house and get to San Antonio. You can imagine my physical and emotional meltdown since not only my brother and best friend had to cut time short with Christopher but I was not ready to leave either. Comfort food was there for me definitely but it didn't make me feel better... 

After getting settled in to our home, I was ready for a change AGAIN. It seems like I was continuously going through this yo-yo phase and I was sick of it, I just wanted to make it to the top of my health. Chris was not happy with himself either. He had gained quite a bit of weight as well. Personally, I would say for me that losing weight or committing to something whether it be for your health, support for school, teamwork is definitely a great backbone to have. Chris is my backbone and if he would not have changed his lifestyle with me, I don't know where I would be right now. He committed to the Reset with me!!!! 

On July 17th, we started out cleanse, it was probably one of the most challenging things I think we have both ever gone through. Commercials for cheeseburgers and pizza are very cruel when doing something so focused. In the end it was so worth it. Losing a little over 17 inches and 20 lbs later in August. I felt like a brand new person, but I wasn't done yet. I invested in some knee braces to make sure I would not got through that pain again (HOPEFULLY) and BOOM! TurboFire and I were best friends again! Chalene Johnson is SUCH an inspiration. Just doing TurboFire I have lost ANOTHER 23 inches and I am down to 134 lbs as of February 2014! I am ready for the next step and about to conquer the 21 Day FIX with my coach Jenn and fellow coaches Eva & Katie along with some kickass friends! I love that I have such a supporting family that motivates me to keep going. Check back with me to watch my journey in changes lives and my own!

Join us in this next challenge! I cannot wait for my journey to continue and I am going 8 MONTHS STRONG into being healthy and happy! You can do it too! TELL YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

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